Erland Damgaard Jensen ©
Fig. 1. Two sides of
intermediate tektite showing plastic interior.Shells with breaks and plastic
Fig. 2. Shells, elongated forms, round forms and lids
(Top shells). Streach marks on stick and teardrop. Streached airbobbles
are natural glass objects with weights from micrograms to few kilos. They are
found in 7 main strewnfields, Australasian, Czechoslovakian, North American,
Ivory Coast, Libyan, Irgiz and Aouelloul. The Australasian field is by far the
largest, covering parts of Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Laos,
Cambodia, China and Vietnam. They are divided into four types, microtektites,
splashforms, Muong Nong and ablated. The creation and formation of tektites
found on earth has been discussed for more than a century. Two main theories of
lunar and Earth origin have been dominant, both claiming a large meteor impact
be the basic mechanism of formation. This study of 203 Vietnamese splashform
tektites proposes a new theory for their formation. The splashform tektites are
classified into 3 groups based on their creation; primary, shell and nuclei
tektites and into a number of secondary groups based on their forms. The
creation and form variations can only be explained by a meteoroid impact on
Earth. The primary groups of elongated forms have been well described before as
a result of rotation around 1, 2 or 3 axes. Spinforms would be a good name for
the group. The two new creation groups, shells and nuclei, are explained by
intermediate forms of the primary group that cracks and thereby creates the two
final forms of tektites. This cracking is possible because of a liquid or plastic
interior (nucleus) in the intermediate form. Evidence of this is found in the
structure and form of the tektites. A travel through space from the Moon to the
Earth could not leave a liquid interior in these small objects and thereby
eliminates the lunar theory of origin.
The two basic theories for
creation and formation of tektites found on the Earth both claim a large
meteoroid impact be the basic mechanism. Only meteoroids above a certain size
have enough kinetic energy to create tektites, dependent on its size, velocity
at impact and the impact angle. Meteoroids with impact angles larger than 10
degrees will generally create circular craters varying from simple craters to
crates with a central peak and to craters with one or more rings structures,
depending on the kinetic energy at impact. Debris from these craters will form
a circular ejecta with distinctive radial lines. Impact angles below 10 degrees
will generally produce elongated oval shaped craters with a butterfly pattern
of ejecta and an eventual elongated peak in the incoming end of the oval crater
(Planetary Geology) . Tektites are part of the ejecta. The crater associated
with the Australasian strewnfield has not yet been identified, but is presumed
to be somewhere in Central Asia (Lo
The chemical composition and the age of tektites in the Australasian strewnfield are the same, indicating that they all originate from one and the same impact, see Table 1 (Giuli 2000).
“They were formed 780 ka
ago. This is a mean based of 770 ka obtained using the 39Ar-40Ar technique (a few low
values were discarded) by Izett and Obradovich (1992) (Izett
1992) and a
stratigraphic age based on the placement of microtektites, 10 ka below the
Brunhes -Matuyama magnetic-reversal boundary dated at 778 ka..” (Tauxe 1996)”. (Wasson 2003).
The form and surface
features of Vietnamese splashform tektites have been investigated for more than
hundred years. The prevailing theories suggest the forms primarily are created by
rotation and spinning and that the surface sculpturing is created by ablation
during fast movement through the atmosphere. Theories about chemical etching
and spalling as the major creators of surface sculpturing have been proven
Basic observations
From a collection of 1 ton
of tektites found in the Dalat area in Vietnam, a sample of 203 tektites was
investigated closely. The sample was selected based on the two major findings
by Nininger H.H. and Huss G.I. (Nininger 1967)
50,000 tektites from Dalat :
Most indochinites
are fractured.
Two tektites are
buckled into the shape of a boomerang, leaving both parts joined together by
the interior, which remained plastic at the time of fracture.
Other surface features like
ablation, cracks, air bobble and stretching marks were selection criteria’s
together with variations in forms from round to elongated, dumbbell and twisted
shape to any ‘strange forms’.
One tektite showing
interior plastic bending was found. Interestingly it has the same leguminous
shape as the two found be H. H. Nininger and Huss. (Nininger
1967) . (Fig
An additional four shells
with unmistakable breaks and stretching of plastic interior were found. (Fig
1). The rest of the 203 tektites were divided into 3 groups based on their
form: Shells showing distinctive breakage and a concave/convex form. Elongated
forms like dumbbells, teardrops etc. Round forms from ball shape to disk and
oval forms. (Fig 2).
Shells are characterised by
having been parts of a larger now broken body. The shells are pieces of a
tektite that was not all solidified on landing, still having a fluid or
plastic/elastic interior. Upon impact this intermediate body cracks into a
number of shells and the interior body, the nucleus, escapes due to its elasticity
and becomes a tektite of its own, usually one of the round forms. The evidence
for this is displayed by a number of observations: Shells show a layered
structure with a coating layer on the inner concave side, a thicker solidified
layer that cracks and a moderately plastic layer on the convex outer side
evidenced by impact planes (Fig 3).
The shells come from
intermediate bodies that had a round ball-like to a flat drop form evidenced by
the form of the shells. One special abundant form has three to five edges with
sharp up-going rounded angles. These shells come from the top of the intermediate
body and are blown off on impact like a lid. Shells show none or only moderate
ablation on the convex side (Fig. 2).
Fig. 3. Shell showing 3 layers,
1: Inside coating layer. 2: Solid layer. 3: Outside plastic layer. 4: Impact
Fig. 4. Tektite (nucleus)
with two impact points, one at the top, one at the bottom. Blue ring: Inward
air bobble. Yellow lines: Air bobble tunnels
Elongated forms
The elongated forms are
primarily dumbbells, teardrops, sticks and other irregular elongated forms.
These forms can all be explained by fast rotation around 1, 2 or 3 axis of a
fluid or plastic body. Teardrops are dumbbells broken during rotation or landing.
Most characteristic is that these forms often have stretching marks on the
surface and in the interior. Stretch marks are formed by two way opposite
forces parallel to the stretching marks, typically from rotation, or as
floating marks from gravity pull. The stretching process is documented by
stretched air bobbles parallel to the stretching lines. (Fig 2, Table 2)
Round forms
The round forms are lighter
primary bodies or nuclei that escaped due to elasticity when the intermediate
form cracked on impact. The forms vary according to fluency, plasticity and
elasticity and often has characteristic air bubble tunnels created during impact,
between the shell and the nucleus. The air bubble tunnels are not cracks and
are not formed by aerial ablation. They all have the same focal point from the
impact. More than one set of tunnels can be found on some tektites. In case of
more than one, two of them will often be in direct opposite directions (top and
bottom). The bottom tunnels created by impact and the top tunnels from shedding
off the lid. See illustrations (Fig 4).
Depending on the original
form, plasticity and rotation, the end form of the nucleus can be onion shaped,
double convex, flat, concave, double concave or oblate. Upon landing the
plastic body is insulated on the bottom side, enabling re-melting and cavity
creation from heated air underneath. This changes the bottom side structure to
a more course concave central structure and a smooth circular basis around,
compared with the top side’s finer and more uniform structure often with
floating marks. (Fig 6).
Bodies with high viscosity
and low plasticity remain round to double convex, high plasticity or fluid
bodies end up as flat, concave or double concave tektites. Floating marks can
show partial disappearance of tails from onion shaped bodies. Tails can also
show craterlike cracking due to difference in contraction during
solidification. Floating marks are often irregular like altitudes on a map.
Cracks are created by a
parting of regions of the solid surface. With a plastic interior it can be
documented by stretching marks across the crack. Cracks are often V formed, not
straight and have a flat basin and individual cracks have a different focus.
Air bubble tunnels are straight, same width all over, ‘O’ shaped basin and are
focused at the same impact point.
Primary round bodies can
show impact planes on the surface like shells, air bubble tunnels/cracks at the
impact point and air bubbles with no or mild ablation. Due to erosion and
fragmentation it is not always possible to classify a tektite as either primary
or nucleus.
Fig. 5. Intermediate form cracks on impact into shells
(Lid, bodies and impact points) and nucleus with air bobble tunnels, a. Low
velocity P-waves from the impact point through the liquid/plastic nucleus and
high velocity refraction waves in the solid shell, b. Reconstruction of
intermediate body from impact shell, lid and nucleus tektites, c. Air bobble
tunnels on the nucleus. Refraction waves can explain the upward round angle
found on many lid edges. (Also see fig 2 and 6).
Fig. 6. Reshaping process. Reshaped nuclei according to
viscosity and bottom reheating. Floating marks and air bobble tunnels.
Based on the previous
observations, the tektites are classified into three classes based on creation
and into a number of subclasses based on form. (Table 3).
distinguish between primary forms and nuclei the main characteristics can be
used, but for eroded tektites or fragments it may not always be possible as the
nucleus may have more or less the same form as the intermediate body.
Illustrations of the
formation of shell and nuclei Vietnamese tektites. (Fig 5, 6).
The thickness of the shells
varies between 2 mm and 22 mm for 105 shells among the 203 tektites
investigated. Any primary body with one or another dimension thicker than twice
this length would have an elastic nucleus inside. All tektites above 75 grams
to 294 grams were nuclei tektites. Primary forms like balls, dumbbells etc.
were below 75 grams, showing that tektites with a plastic/liquid nucleus crack
on impact leaving shells and a nucleus.
on the examination of 203 Vietnamese tektites a new classification has been
established based on creation and form. The three creation classes, primaries,
shells and nuclei can explain the great variety in forms as a result of a
meteorite impact on Earth. The shells and nuclei are remnants of an
intermediate form that cracked on impact. One tektite was found solidified as
this intermediate form. This also explains the two observations in (Nininger1967) that
most Vietnamese tektites are broken – they are mostly shells – and the two
buckled tektites – they are intermediate forms. Differences in viscosity,
plasticity and elasticity explain the form and sub form classes of nuclei
tektites. Differences in rotation around 1, 2 or 3 axis explains the sub form
classes of primary tektites.
Mineralogist 85, pages 1172–1174.
IZETT G.A AND OBRADOVICH J.D. (1992) Laser-fusion 40Ar/39Ar ages of Australasian
tektites. In 23rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference,
Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, pp. 593–594.
S. (2002) Laser
fusion argon-40/argon-39 ages of Darwin impact glass. Meteorit.
Planet. Sci. 37, 1555–1562.
NININGER H.H. AND HUSS G.I. (1967) Tektites that were partially plastic after completion
of surface sculpturing. In: Barnes (edit.) Tektites (1973). Dowden,
Hutchinson & Ross Inc., 249-250.
Planetary Geology ASTR 3C11 UCL, 2004-06-25,
KOK, Y. S. (1996) Astronomical
calibration of the Matuyama Brunhes Boundary: consequences for magnetic remanence
acquisition in marine carbonates and the Asian loess sequences. Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett., 140, 133-146.
Volume 3, Number 1.
TABLE 1. Chemical
composition (wt% oxides) of tektites
Note: Uncertainties (1s) in last decimal place
shown in parentheses.
Tabulated data are averages of five individual
analyses. (Giuli 2000)
Indochinite |
Thailandite |
Philippinite |
Cambodianite |
SiO2 |
75.05(44) |
79.00(48) |
72.47(44) |
72.50(44) |
Al2O3 |
12.02(22) |
10.15(20) |
12.97(24) |
13.25(24) |
FeO |
4.19(26) |
3.58(26) |
4.52(28) |
4.69(30) |
CaO |
2.14(10) |
1.15(8) |
2.64(12) |
1.69(8) |
MgO |
1.74(8) |
1.38(8) |
2.02(10) |
1.84(10) |
K2O |
2.36(12) |
2.39(10) |
2.50(12) |
2.54(12) |
Na2O |
1.23(16) |
1.21(12) |
1.46(18) |
1.32(18) |
TiO2 |
0.69(8) |
0.56(8) |
0.74(8) |
0.75(8) |
MnO |
0.10(6) |
0.11(6) |
0.12(6) |
0.10(6) |
Total |
99.52 |
99.53 |
99.44 |
98.68 |
Table 2: Illustration of spin form formation
Balls: Created automatically by surface
tension in liquid bodies. No rotation. Have 3 axes. Circular: Created by rotation around 1 axis. Forces
increase with distance from the center resulting in most mass at the edge
(stretching at the center). Flat
Dumbbell: Created by rotation around 2 axes. Slow rotation on second axis.
Changing the circular to a flat dumbbell. Cylinder
Dumbbell: Created by rotation around 2 axes. Changing the flat form to a
cylinder. Forces increase with distance from the center, resulting in most
mass at the edge and stretching at the centre. Twisted
cylinder: Created by rotation around 3 axes. Only third rotation is shown. |
Table 3: Vietnamese splash form tektite
Table 3: Vietnamese splash form tektite classification
Creation classes |
Form classes |
Sub Form classes |
Primary: Created directly at meteor impact. Form changed from ball to flat dumbbell, cylindrical dumbbell over teardrops via 1 and 2 axis rotation. Twisted forms also rotate around the third axis. Main characteristics: Stretch marks on surface. Impact planes. Minor ablation. |
Balls |
Ball Shaped |
Dumbbells |
Flat/cylindrical, straight/twisted |
Teardrops (Clubs) |
Flat/cylindrical, straight/twisted |
Sticks |
Flat/cylindrical, straight/twisted |
Intermediate |
Flat/cylindrical, straight/twisted |
Shells: Created at impact of intermediate body splitting into shells and nuclei. Main
characteristics: Convex sculptured side / concave smooth side. |
Lids |
Number of edges 3-5 |
Bodies |
Flat/cylindrical, straight/twisted |
Impact point |
Nuclei: Created at impact of intermediate body splitting into shells and nuclei Main characteristics: Air bobble tunnels, floating marks, tail. |
Balls |
Ball shaped |
Ovals |
Flat, convex, concave |
Onions |
Have tail |
Correspondence and request for material
should be addressed to:
10-12 Nguyen Cong Hoan,
Hanoi, Vietnam